
OMEXELL Zhilian Heat Exchange Helps Shanghai Tobacco Group Pudong Innovation and Production Base

Column:Company News Time:2018-04-24


Shanghai Tobacco Group is a modern large-scale state-owned enterprise based on the cigarette industry. It  has a world-class cigarette industry and supporting industries such as  tobacco storage, transportation, printing and materials. In  2016, the company completed a total of 2,640,400 boxes of cigarettes,  commercial sales of 2,820,100 cases; realized industrial and commercial  tax of 107.992 billion yuan, and paid 102.2 billion yuan of finance,  consolidating the important achievements of industrial and commercial  taxation and surrender of finances over 200 billion, ranking in Shanghai The city's top 100 industrial taxpayers.

    Shanghai Tobacco Group actively implements the “1+3” brand development strategy with “China” as its core. Solidly  promote the "China" brand "100 billion billion" project, accelerate the  construction of the "China Special Line" project, and strive to create a  Chinese-style cigarette brand that highlights "China's" "five of the  best" and the competitive advantage of the origin; focus on maintaining  "Zhongnanhai" The status of the domestic hybrid first brand, deepen the cultural connotation of "DHS" and the unique brand value of "Panda". Famous  cigarettes such as “China”, “Zhongnanhai”, “DHS” and “Panda” produced  by the company are sold well in China and exported overseas.
Shanghai Tobacco  Group Pudong R&D and production base adheres to the construction  goal of building a green, energy-saving, environmentally-friendly and  sustainable Pudong R&D and production base, and focuses on key  projects of sustainable development systems such as green workshops,  product eco-design, and pollutant prevention. Actively  explore and focus on building a benchmark for innovation and development  in the industry, and strive to inspire the sustainable development of  the industry.

     The Shanghai Tobacco Group Pudong  Pudong R&D and Production Base Project has a planned total land area  of approximately 553,900 square meters and a construction land area of  428,000 square meters. Based on the international and  domestic sustainable development standards, Shanghai Tobacco Group  develops and produces production bases such as green workshops, chain of  custody and social responsibility in Pudong based on its sustainable  management status and sustainable development needs of R&D and  production bases. Research and practice have been carried out.

Seven major concerns throughout the construction process
Pay attention to the construction of green workshops
       In  the planning, design and construction of the joint experimental  production workshop in the North District of Pudong Science and  Technology Innovation Park, the national green building requirements and  the green workshop requirements of the tobacco industry have been fully  considered, and the requirements of the three-star standard for green  laborrooms have been strived.
 Focus on product eco-design
      In  the design process of tobacco products, develop technical requirements  for environmentally friendly evaluation of products to ensure the  efficiency, degradability and biosafety of resources and energy  utilization of products during the whole life cycle of raw material        acquisition, product production and disposal, and disposal. Sexual, non-toxic, harmless or low-toxic, low-harm, low-emission.
 Focus on energy efficiency improvement
      According to the estimated Pudong R&D and production base, the proportion of natural gas and diesel is close to 50%. The park has great potential for the use of non-fossil energy such as solar energy, geothermal energy and biomass energy. The  joint experimental production workshop has a large energy-saving space  in the electrical system, air-conditioning system, air compressor  system, boiler system, dust removal system, workshop equipment, etc. The  park has considered measures to improve energy efficiency through  measures such as auxiliary waste heat recovery and temperature and  humidity control.
 Focus on pollutant prevention
      The  first is the prevention and control measures for wastewater pollutants.  The mixed wastewater from the production experimental area (North  Block) of Pudong R&D and production base is collected and discharged  to the North District Sewage Treatment Station for treatment. A part of  the tail water is discharged to the reclaimed treatment facility. After  deepening treatment, Reuse;  the remaining tail water is included in the surrounding municipal  sewage pipe network through the factory outlet, and finally discharged  to the Bailonggang urban sewage treatment plant for centralized  treatment. The  water reuse treatment process adopts a “sand filtration-activated  carbon filtration-disinfection-microporous filtration” materialization  treatment process. Followed by waste gas treatment measures. The  combined workshop tobacco dust exhaust gas uses the "primary dust  removal + flat bag dust removal + two-stage venturi cross-flow washing"  treatment process to purify the dust and odor entrained in the tobacco  dust exhaust gas, and its dust purification and removal efficiency is  over 99.9%, stinking The  purification efficiency of the gas concentration is more than 85%.  After the treatment, the exhaust gas is discharged through the upper  part of the joint working room and the four exhaust gas buildings of  about 25 meters high. Again, it is a noise control measure. The  project should use low-noise equipment as much as possible, adopt noise  reduction measures such as sound insulation and vibration reduction for  mechanical noise, and reasonably arrange the position of high-noise  equipment. High-noise equipment is set in the special sound insulation  equipment room, between the production workshop and the special  equipment room. Acoustic ceilings and sound absorbing walls are used to reduce the impact of equipment noise on the external environment. In  addition, strengthen the perimeter greening of the plant area, plant  some trees with sound insulation and good sound-absorbing effects, such  as evergreen broad-leaved trees, to reduce the environmental noise of  the boundary. Finally, the solid waste control measures. The  tobacco waste, packaging waste, waste paper, waste filter rods produced  in the production process of Pudong R&D and production base belong  to general industrial solid waste. The tobacco waste is sold to the  tobacco sheet factory for comprehensive utilization, and other general  industrial solid waste is sold to The  recycling unit shall be comprehensively disposed of; the sugar and  flavor raw material barrel shall be recycled and reused by the supplier;  the waste mineral oil, waste chemical reagent container, waste chemical  reagent, chemical laboratory waste liquid, etc. shall be entrusted to  the professional hazardous waste disposal unit for disposal; The wastewater treatment and drying sludge shall be disposed of by the local sanitation department. In  addition, after the garbage is packed in the factory, it will be  cleared and disposed of by the local sanitation department; the food  produced by the staff canteen will be scrapped, and the qualified units  will be entrusted to recycle, clear and dispose of it.
 Focus on ecological landscape engineering
       The  Pudong R&D and production base makes full use of the water system  of the park and introduces the Longyou Port water system into the  science and technology research and development area to form a good  landscape effect and create an exquisite, quiet and harmonious office  research and development. The  park is rationally equipped with tree species to achieve "three seasons  of flowers, evergreen seasons" to achieve a pleasant view of nature and  atmosphere.
 Focus on the chain of custody
       To  study the tobacco industry from the procurement of raw materials,  production and processing, factory labels, industrial storage,  transportation, storage code, commercial storage, outbound scanning  code, sorting, distribution, sales and other aspects of cigarette  production and marketing supervision, on all involved Downstream companies propose sustainable requirements.
 Pay attention to social responsibility
       To  study the social responsibility standards of tobacco companies, and to  make demands on employee health, labor protection, working conditions,  community relations, regional economic contribution, and social welfare.

 As the leading  enterprise in China's tobacco industry, Shanghai Tobacco Group has been  relying on and selecting OMEXELL heat exchange products for many years.  The Shanghai Tobacco Group Pudong R&D and production base has built  the highest tobacco industry in China with the concept of “green, energy  saving, environmental protection and innovation”. Production  standard, OMEXELL provides Shanghai Tobacco Group with a new generation  of Zhilian heat exchange products to meet the heat transfer  requirements of production processes such as refrigeration, bathing,  waste heat recovery and process chilled water heat transfer of Shanghai  Tobacco Group Pudong Industrial Park. Two of them are super-large plate  exchanges. The heat exchanger can realize the 1 degree temperature difference heat transfer process requirement.06.jpg

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